Process your pay in a FRACTION OF TIME!

- Automatically calculate FNPF and PAYE deductions
- Track Staff Loans and other deductions
- Track sick and annual leaves
- Track deductions such as insurance, union subs
- Allocate payroll expenses to different accounts or projects
- Record year-to-date values
- Print out pay slips
- Print out cash breakdown reports to help with packing
- Take control of costs with summary reports based on department, accounts, projects etc
Reduce your MONTHLY payroll tasks from hours to minutes!

- Print your monthly FNPF CS forms at the click of a button. No more mistakes or wasted time manually totalling and filling in paper forms.
- Generate your Employee Monthly Schdedule (PAYE as Final Tax) Electronic Files at the click of a button. File formats and calculations have been tested and certified by FRCS.
Need an EASY way to do your YEARLY reports!

- Print your Tax WithHolding Certificate directly from PayMaker (approved by FRCS)
- Print all the reports required by FRCS
- Generate Yearly Summary Reports using PayMaker for easier tax filings
- All reports can be exported to PDF, Excel, Word documents
Add extra functionality to your payroll system

- Optional Time Keeper module can calculate hours worked at different rates directly from clock-in and clock-out times
- Optional interface to digital clock-in/out scanners More information on Time Keeper
Call us for a FREE DEMO and Quote Today
PayMaker pricing is based on the number of employees so it is affordable for companies of all sizes
Phone: +(679) 3304 554
Standss (South Pacific) PTE Limited
Standss is an IT company that developed PayMaker for the Fijian market. Standss is also a Microsoft Partner and a leading Outlook-based email security and productivity solutions provider.