Save Time calculating hours worked!

- TimeKeeper will calculate hours that your staff had worked directly from their Timecards.
- It will allocate the hours to the correct rates (time, time and half, double time etc).
Increase Accuracy and avoid errors (and arguments with employees)!

- TimeKeeper will calculate hours perfectly based on your rules for attendance, over-time hours, lunch, tea breaks etc.
Save Time entering data!

- The calculated hours (at their correct rates) will be transferred to PayMaker. There is no need to re-enter any information.
Get better information on employee attendance/absenteeism

- Use the data for reporting functions. Get answers to:
- 1. What is the attendance history of a particular employee? (perfect when doing evaluations)
- 2. Who is absent today? (Act on the day's attendance by 10 in the morning)
Call us for a FREE DEMO and Quote Today
PayMaker pricing is based on the number of employees so it is affordable for companies of all sizes
Phone: +(679) 3304 554
Standss (South Pacific) PTE Limited
Standss is an IT company that developed PayMaker for the Fijian market. Standss is also a Microsoft Partner and a leading Outlook-based email security and productivity solutions provider.